3 Steps to Reaching your Ideal Advocates with Facebook Advertising
Your brand should be advertising on Facebook. Why? Earlier this year, Facebook announced major changes to its platform. Among the shifts, Facebook will downplay the organic reach of brand pages. (We wrote about how your brand can still win with the new Facebook algorithm here.)
In light of these changes, it’s wise to start investing in Facebook advertising. Think of Facebook advertising as one more tool in your marketing toolbox. Facebook advertising allows you to pull many marketing levers on behalf of your brand, balancing both organic growth and growth with intention.
Here’s how to get started with Facebook advertising.
1. Know your target audience.
Start with your organization’s Ideal Advocates™ and narrow in to start with one target first. Facebook allows you to customize your ad’s audience, allowing you to reach the people your organization wants to connect with. You can choose a wide variety of demographic options, including age range and geographic location.
Don’t be afraid to get too specific. Begin with one Ideal Advocate, and as you dive further into Facebook advertising, expand from there. Build on your success.
2. Know your objective.
When someone sees your ad, what action should they take? Begin by aligning your Facebook ad objective to your business goals. Are you just launching Facebook advertising for the first time? Start with an awareness objective. Then, choose a built-in call to action like “Learn more” or “Shop now.” Once you run the ad, Facebook will optimize it for your objective and your target audience.
As you develop your ad strategy, always keep your Ideal Advocate journey in mind. What’s their next step? Choose strategic objectives to guide them from awareness to education to conversions with objectives like web traffic, video views and lead generation.
3. Make sure your ad stands out from the clutter.
Engaging, professional visuals are crucial and instantly elevate your brand in the marketplace. Images account for 70-95% of Facebook ad effectivity and performance. Plus, 92% of mobile viewers share videos with others. Integrate your brand personality through your campaign.
For example, when launching a spring appeal advertisement, craft on-brand media with a short piece of copy that directs them to donate. A personal, heartfelt video message engages your audience and makes a direct ask for donations. Utilize a variety of media like images, video and linking directly to your website. This way, you’ll have more opportunity to capture your audience and meet your goals.
With more brands than ever using Facebook, it’s crucial to stand out from the pack. Use these three tips to boost your brand through Facebook Advertising.
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