About Children’s Services Fund
In 2020, Jackson County was home to more than 165,000 children and youth, ranking 75th out of 114 Missouri counties for child welfare. Hundreds of the children they serve are victims of abuse or neglect, and thousands require clinical psychiatric care. A prior needs assessment of funding for children’s services revealed a gap of over $21M in annual funding. CSF exists to change this story by giving hope to Jackson County kids through connection, care, and creativity.
Fervor + Children’s Services Fund
We originally partnered with Children’s Services Fund by developing their brand identity and website, starting with a Brand Impact Assessment. As CSF saw their need for more resources in order to make a bigger difference in Jackson County, it became apparent an annual impact report was the right next step to share their message and increase transparency. The Fervor team was more than willing to help!
Because we work with nonprofits in nearly every growth stage, we understand how challenging it can be to procure funding as a young organization. With this in mind, Fervor and CSF worked together to compile data reflecting the timeline of their establishment in 2017 and the incredible impact made with funds received through 2020. We further outlined 10 service areas funded in 2020, spanning from crisis intervention to transitional living. The report clearly proved the effectiveness of CSF in their early years, recording the number of organizations, children and families served under each service area. We also noted three additional service areas not yet funded, showing the need for additional funding.
Integrity and transparency for any nonprofit is a great way to build trust with current and potential donors as well as taxpayers interested in where their dollars were distributed. So we detailed a list of specific organizations that received funding and itemized totals of revenue and expenses.
COVID-19 presented additional challenges for most nonprofits—including CFS and their partner organizations. We completed the report with ways CFS took thoughtful steps to support their partner organizations through this time of crisis.
The results? A beautiful, well-laid out Annual Impact Report for use in digital presentations or shared with stakeholders interested in helping do more good for children in Jackson County.