About Military Bible Challenge
Through challenges like Operation 500, members of the military community experience the power of God’s Word in just 20 minutes a day over 75 days. Like basic training, this commitment to seek strength and endurance from the Bible leads them to fulfill the mission God has for them.
Fervor + Military Bible Challenge
As a continuation of a long-standing, trusted partnership, the Armed Services Ministry reached out to Fervor for help in migrating the website for their Military Bible Challenge program, extending it’s capabilities to better serve the military community. This migration process from Squarespace to WordPress opened up opportunities to enhance the user experience and design as well as add an array of functionality.
Tracking Bible Challenge Progress
With the goal to improve user experience, we added a secure area where members can log in to their account and begin reading challenges. Over time, they can easily find where they left off and track when a particular challenge is completed.
A Consistent Approach Across all ASM Program Sites
With numerous programs, ASM needed consistency across all program websites. We updated the homepage, including a “How It Works” graphic, adding more information about the Military Bible Challenge itself and why service members and veterans should get involved.
In order to show the relationship between MBC and ASM, we added an “About” section, linking the program back to ASM, showing how it is one of many programs military members can take advantage of.
Preparation for Future Needs
When the primary goal is to meet the needs of those being served, it was vital to create a website on a platform that would enable flexibility and future growth. WordPress offered this solution beautifully. We’re looking forward to more opportunities to expand the MBC site as their needs grow and change!