"Do What You Did, Get What You Got"
You have heard the definition of insanity before: doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result. However, doing fewer things – and being freakishly good at the ones you do can change your world and business.
A friend of Fervor shared what his grandpa used to say. “Do what you did, get what you got. Want something different? Do something different.” We love grandpas and all their great advice. It seems to cut through…well, to cut through the bull.
This time of year, we too often get in the routine thought: to grow we just have to be better. And next year will be better, we think, just because its next year and not by employing some diverse thinking and actions or ejecting tactics and time wasters that we do because we have always done them.
At Fervor, we’re not buying that. Why not ask yourself some questions about your organization? Questions that may inspire something new. Something amazing. Something that is truly impactful to your business and customers.
- How do we improve relationships with our best clients or donors?
- Where are we currently spending money that we shouldn’t?
- Which client was our best cheerleader this year? Why?
- If we stopped our email campaigns, who would notice or care?
- If we had one thing we could change about our organization, we would change _______.
We can almost guarantee that sitting down over the next few weeks to answer these questions will change your life. We can say that answering these questions will lead to some pretty gritty conversations.
In fact, what should happen is a laundry list of things that are currently eating away at your time and not producing real impact. At the end of this lies a new focus on doing a few things really well and forgetting the rest. Your budget, staff and clients will thank you.
Don’t just do what you did. Do fewer, better.